My research interests are in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Currently, I am working on some projects related to equity in mathematics curricula, active learning, and mathematics teaching at the developmental level. If you would like a copy of a paper or presentation, please contact me at KNabb <at> pvcc <dot> edu.

Download a full list of publications/presentations here (updated August 2024).

SELECT publications

Nabb, K. (2023, March). 20 Years of Experiencing Asian Invisibility in Academe. Inside Higher Ed. Available:

Nabb, K. (2022). “Ask the Asian! He knows.”: Dismantling the model-minority stereotype in mathematics. TEEM: Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics (Themed Issue on Antiracism in Mathematics Education), 13(1), 9-13.

Nabb, K. (2022). Using the Five Practices to promote active and equitable learning environments. In O. Kartal, G. Popovich, & S. Morrissey (Eds.), Global Perspectives and Practices for Reform-Based Mathematics Teaching (pp. 293-322). IGI Global.

Nabb, K., Steele, M., & Murawska, J. (2020, September). Call to action: Expanding Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in early college mathematics. AMTE Connections. Available:

Nabb, K., & Murawska, J. (2020). Mathematical knowledge for teaching developmental courses at the community college: An unexplored terrain. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 44(8), 563-583. DOI:10.1080/10668926.2019.1626300

Nabb, K., & Murawska, J. (2019). Motivating calculus through a single question. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 29(10), 1140-1153. DOI:10.1080/10511970.2018.1490360

Nabb, K. (2018). Experiences using inquiry-oriented differential equations. CODEE: Community of Ordinary Differential Equations Educators Journal, 11(1), 1-10.

Nabb, K., Hofacker, E., Ernie, K., & Ahrendt, S. (2018). Using the Five Practices in mathematics teaching. Mathematics Teacher, 111(5), 366-373.

Nabb, K., & Nghiem, D. (2017). Curious calculus questions from students and colleagues - Part III. MathAMATYC Educator, 8(3), 10-14.

Nabb, K. (2016). CAS as a restructuring tool in mathematics education. Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik (MONA - Math and Science Education), 8, 8-22. (in Danish)

Murawska, J., & Nabb, K. (2015). Corvettes, curve fitting, and calculus. Mathematics Teacher, 109(2), 128-135.

Meyer, D. Z., Antink, A. L., Nabb, K. A., Connell, M. G., & Avery, L. A. (2013). A theoretical and empirical exploration of intrinsic problems in designing inquiry activities. Research in Science Education, 43(1), 57-76. doi: 10.1007/s11165-011-9243-4

Sitomer, A., Ström, A., Mesa, V., Duranczyk, I., Nabb, K., Smith, J., & Yannotta, M. (2012). Moving from anecdote to evidence: A proposed research agenda in community college mathematics education. MathAMATYC Educator, 4(1), 35-40.

SELECT presentations

“Student-Led Number Talks in Calculus,” 47th Annual Conference for the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), Phoenix AZ, November 2021.

"Origami for Engineering: Collapsing, Functional, and Strong," National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting (NCTM), Workshop with Jaclyn Murawska, Washington DC, April 2018.

"Want an Active Classroom? Use the Five Practices!," 43rd Annual Conference for the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), San Diego CA, November 2017.

"The Calculus of Corvettes,” National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting (NCTM), Workshop with Jaclyn Murawska, San Antonio TX, April 2017.

“Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Developmental Courses at the Community College: An Unexplored Construct,” 42nd Annual Conference for the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), RMETYC Research Session, with Jaclyn Murawska, Denver CO, November 2016.

“Cocktail Party Calculus: Collaborative Writing in Mathematics,” 23rd Annual Conference for the Wisconsin Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (WisMATYC), Sheboygan WI, September 2016.

“Reflections from Teaching Inquiry-Oriented Differential Equations,” MAA Session on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Ordinary Differential Equations, Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), Seattle WA, January 2016.

“Reflections on Good Calculus Questions from Students and Colleagues”, 41st Annual Conference for the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), with Daniel Nghiem, New Orleans LA, November 2015.

unpublished documents

These are a bit older but may still be of interest to some people:

2009 Literature Review on Advanced Mathematical Thinking (pdf)

2009 Literature Review on Epistemological Beliefs (pdf)

2010 Literature Review on Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) (pdf)

A short book I wrote mostly in grad school (pdf)